Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hello Unapologetic

(email to Unapologetic Catholic, which seems like a fascinating catholic blog)

Hi Unapologetic - I really like your blog's tagline - "Doubts, thoughts, problems and issues of an uncertain Catholic coming to grips with the Church today." I'm looking for "real" catholic blogs - ones that honestly document the struggles and successes of concretely living the catholic life. Do you know of any other blogs that fit this?

(The catholic blogs I've been finding seem to be theological rather than real-life, or prayerful without being honest about the struggles).


At 1/02/2006 4:57 a.m., Blogger Lisa said...

I'm a Catholic stay-at-home-mom (by choice.) My blog shares with the reader how we live our life as Catholics. I don't have many struggles with the Catholic Church or teachings, but have normal, everyday struggles like everyone else.

I would love to have you stop in and visit for awhile.


At 1/02/2006 8:40 a.m., Blogger Jonathan said...

Hi Lisa - cool! I'll give your blog a try. Subscribed!

At 8/04/2007 10:09 p.m., Blogger YoungCatholicSTL said...

My blog definitely isn't theological, but it also may not show as much of an everyday Catholic struggle as you are looking for. However, I hope you still give it a look!

-- YoungCatholicSTL

At 8/04/2007 10:16 p.m., Blogger Jonathan said...

I'll check it out - thx.


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