Sunday, March 11, 2007

Suppose I had the opportunity to take a 2-week vacation. How would I spend it?

Suppose I had the opportunity to take a 2-week vacation. How would I spend it?

I would almost certainly spend most of it reading. I have some fantastic books that need finishing: The Italic Guide to Beautiful Handwriting, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, The Little Schemer, Rapid Development, CSS Mastery, Object Modelling, Refactoring to Patterns, PHP Cookbook, Vein of Gold.

And of course my nightly hour of reading my various RSS feeds: popular websites of the day, the HTTP 1.1 spec, the Rule of St. Benedict, Lifehacker and TechCrunch, the USCCB document on the Eucharist, links from the CSS Handbook, etc.

Walks with my mother, and some meals at restaurants.

But the whole day cannot be spent reading. What of the remaining hours? Something introspective, some spiritual refreshment, but engaging, not boring - but what? Writing perhaps? Reading poetry? Visiting old classmates, or writing them, or visiting the places of my youth, reviewing old photographs, reviewing what I've written, ...


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